Our NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) training services are designed to provide professionals in the inspection and maintenance industry with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills. Focusing on non-destructive testing techniques such as Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT), Radiography Testing (RT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), and Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT), our training ensures that participants can identify material defects without compromising the structural integrity of the tested object. Our experienced instructors deliver interactive, internationally standardized training sessions, enabling participants to enhance their expertise in ensuring safety and quality across various sectors, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, construction, and manufacturing.
Layanan pelatihan NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) kami dirancang untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan praktis kepada para profesional di industri inspeksi dan pemeliharaan. Dengan fokus pada teknik-teknik pengujian tanpa merusak seperti Ultrasonik Testing (UT), Phased Array Ultrasonik Testing (PAUT), Radiografi Testing (RT), Magnetic Particle (MT), dan Liquid Penetrant (PT), pelatihan kami memastikan peserta dapat mengidentifikasi cacat material tanpa mempengaruhi integritas struktur yang diuji. Instruktur berpengalaman kami memberikan pembelajaran yang interaktif dan berbasis standar internasional, sehingga peserta dapat meningkatkan keahlian mereka dalam memastikan keselamatan dan kualitas di berbagai sektor, seperti minyak dan gas, petrokimia, konstruksi, dan manufaktur.
Our Mechanical Surveying training services provide intensive instruction on accurate measurement and mapping methods for applications in the engineering and construction industries. With a curriculum covering fundamental principles of geometry, the use of advanced surveying equipment such as auto levels, theodolites, total stations, and laser scanners, as well as data analysis, this training helps participants understand the importance of precision in ensuring project quality. Participants will be guided by experienced instructors to develop the skills needed to perform measurements with high efficiency and in compliance with industry standards.
Layanan pelatihan Mechanical Surveying. Kami memberikan pelatihan intensif tentang metode pengukuran dan pemetaan yang akurat untuk aplikasi di industri teknik dan konstruksi. Dengan kurikulum yang mencakup prinsip dasar geometri, penggunaan peralatan survei canggih seperti auto level, teodolite, total station dan laser scanner, serta analisis data, pelatihan ini membantu peserta memahami pentingnya presisi dalam memastikan kualitas proyek. Peserta akan dipandu oleh instruktur berpengalaman untuk mengembangkan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan dalam menjalankan pengukuran dengan efisiensi tinggi dan sesuai standar industri.
Our Welding Inspection training services (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) provide an in-depth understanding of welding inspection, including knowledge of different types of weld defects, visual inspection methods, other testing techniques, and international quality standards. Through a combination of theory and hands-on practice, participants will be trained to ensure the integrity and strength of welded structures across various industrial projects. This program is designed to equip professionals with the critical skills needed to identify and prevent weld failures, maintaining safety and reliability in industrial operations.
Layanan pelatihan Welding Inspection (Basic, Intermediate, Advance). Kami memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang inspeksi pengelasan, termasuk pengetahuan tentang jenis cacat las, metode pemeriksaan visual dan pengujian lainnya, serta standar kualitas internasional. Melalui kombinasi teori dan praktik langsung, peserta akan dilatih untuk memastikan integritas dan kekuatan struktur las di berbagai proyek industri. Program ini dirancang untuk melengkapi para profesional dengan keterampilan kritis yang diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mencegah kegagalan las, menjaga keselamatan dan keandalan operasi industri.